Jeremy's Battery CSM 1.7.2 What is it? Jeremy's Battery CSM is designed as a replacement for Apple's Battery Monitor module. Jeremy's Battery CSM module has a more compact display, thereby saving space on the Control Strip for other modules. In addition, the module can display the relative current clock speed (fast or slow), the hard drive status (on PowerBooks equipped with the latest Power Manager Software), and the estimate of remaining battery time (on PowerBooks equipped with intelligent batteries). Compatibility This module requires a PowerBook. Installing the Battery CSM If you are using Mac OS 8.5 or earlier, you must drag the Control Strip Module to the Control Strip folder inside your System folder. If you are using Mac OS 8.6 or later, the Mac OS will recognize the Control Strip - merely drag it to your System Folder, and the Mac OS will move it automatically for you. With Mac OS 8.5 or earlier: 1) Open your System folder. 2) Copy the Control Strip Module to the Control Strip Folder in your System folder. 3) Restart your computer. Configuring the Battery CSM When the Control Strip first appears after restarting, the Battery module should be displayed, as shown below:   The Battery CSM's main purpose is to display the current battery status. It does this using the battery icon, which may look like:   If the PowerBook model supports two batteries, and only one is installed, the empty battery compartment is indicated with a dim gray battery outline (or you can optionally hide it). The Battery CSM can also display hard drive, CPU speed, and remaining time information. The appearance of these is controlled by the module's popup menu. To make the menu appear, click anywhere on the Battery module, and the following menu will appear:   Show drive status When this item is selected, the hard drive status is shown. If the drive icon is emanating "sound" waves and has a red "power" light on, then the drive is powered up and spinning. If the drive is powered down, then the "power" light is gray. Please note that this option is only available on PowerBooks with the latest Power Manager software; if your PowerBook doesn't support this feature, this menu selection will be dimmed. Show CPU Speed When this item is selected, an icon showing the relative clock speed is displayed. If the system is running at maximum speed, the hare icon is shown. If the system is running at reduced speed, the tortoise icon is shown. Note that if your PowerBook only runs at a single speed (like the PowerBook 500 series), this selection is dimmed. Show time remaining If your PowerBook is equipped with an intelligent battery, you can display the estimate of battery time remaining. If your PowerBook doesn't have an intelligent battery installed, this menu selection will be dimmed. Show battery voltage When this item is selected, your current battery voltage will be displayed. Show internal modem When this item is selected, your current internal modem status will be displayed. The modem indicator will show when your modem is in use when little "sound" waves emanate from the icon. Show watts When this item is selected, your current power consumption, in watts, will be displayed. This indicator is only valid when you are running off batteries, and it is only available on PowerBook 500 and Duo models. Show percent full When this item is selected, the battery charge is express as a percentage of full charge. Show MyBattery Estimate If this item is selected while MyBattery is running, it will display MyBattery's estimate of time remaining. This feature only works with MyBattery 3.0 or later. Hide a missing battery If a battery is not installed, don't show its display or measurements. Handy if you have a PowerBook with two battery bays, but you typically only have a single battery installed. Spin down hard drive If you select this option, your hard drive will spin down to conserve power Please note that this option is only available on PowerBooks with the latest Power Manager software; if your PowerBook doesn't support this feature, this menu selection will be dimmed. Go to sleep now When you select this option, your PowerBook will go to sleep immediately. If AppleTalk is active, you won't receive the "are you sure..." dialog. Revision History 1.7.2 - 6 February 2000 - Minor cosmetic changes. 1.7.1 - 6 July 1999 - Fix minor bug with display of MyBattery estimate. 1.7.0 - 4 November 1998 - Fix battery order on PB G3's. - Added option to hide a missing battery. 1.6.6 - 14 April 1998 - Updated registration feature. 1.6.5 - 3 February 1998 - Updated registration feature. - Icons preloaded to minimize disk activity. 1.6.4 - 12 June 1997 - Use new sleep code to prevent occasional crashes. 1.6.3 - 11 June 1996 - Check appropriate traps to prevent crashes on incompatible Mac's. 1.6.2 - 21 March 1996 - Allow speed to be displayed on single-speed PowerBooks (i.e., PowerBook 5300's). - Converted to Metrowerks CodeWarrior. - Enhanced registration method. 1.6.1 - 1 October 1995 - Fixed display bug with Control Strip 1.3. - On PowerBook 500's, only displays single battery info if single battery installed. 1.6.0 - 29 March 1995 - Prevent CSM from interfering with screen savers. - Display MyBattery estimate if MyBattery 3.0 or later is running. 1.5.0 - 20 February 1995 - Added option to display percent full. - Cosmetic fixes to battery icon and other indicators. 1.4.1 - 13 January 1995 - Optimized code to efficiently draw display. 1.4.0 - 11 November 1994 - Draws battery icon correctly when battery empty (affected older PowerBooks). - Beeps if user tries to spin down drive while spin down is disabled. - Displays watts on PowerBook 500's or Duos. - Optimized updates of display to prevent flickering on slower PowerBooks. 1.3.0 - 4 October 1994 - Added modem status. - Added shareware reminder. 1.2.0 - 15 September 1994 - Battery icon display has better granularity of display. - Fixed battery icon display for 1xx series PowerBooks. - CPU speed indicator not available on models that can't run at reduced speed. - Modified icon drawing code. 1.1.0 - 6 September 1994 - Added "Go to sleep now" menu choice. - Now displays battery voltages. - Improved drawing of battery icons. 1.0.0 25 August 1994 - First release.